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5 Important Wisdom Teeth Removal Recovery Tips to Help Your Child in Pain


If your child just had their wisdom teeth removed, it can make you feel pretty helpless. 

Oral surgery hurts! So, when your child gets their wisdom teeth taken out, the recovery can leave you feeling helpless.

Nobody wants their little love to experience pain. Fortunately, by following wisdom teeth removal recovery tips, you can help to minimize the pain and keep their healing on track.

Read on to learn 5 helpful wisdom teeth removal Las Vegas recovery tips that will keep your child more comfortable.

5 Wisdom Teeth Removal Recovery Tips

After getting their wisdom teeth removed, your young one may experience bleeding, inflammation, and pain. How can you minimize their discomfort and help them heal quickly?

1. Stop the Bleeding

The dentist will pack your child’s mouth full of gauze. Keep watch so that they do not remove it before the doctor says, as this helps the blood clot.

If you cannot stop the bleeding or it starts up again at home, try applying pressure with a wet tea bag. The tannins in the tea will cause vasoconstriction and stop blood flow. If bleeding persists for more than a half-hour, call the doctor.

2. Stay on Top of Medications

Your child will experience a lot of pain following this procedure, especially if they removed more than one tooth. Now is not the time to test how tough they are.

Their dentist may prescribe them a pain killer and ibuprofen. If so, alternate medications around the clock for the first couple of days.

Keep them on a pain regime that addresses the pain before it comes back. Keep in mind, it takes more effort to stop existing pain than it does to prevent pain. Once the healing process takes hold, you can wait to see if they need medication still.

Also, keep up on any rinses and antibiotics prescribed by the doctor. This will help ensure that the infection does not set in and prolong the healing process.

3. Soften Their Diet

With stitches in the mouth, your child should not attempt to resume a normal diet right away. For a day or two, they will need a soft food diet.

This dependable dentist in Lake Jackson also adds that you should wait for at least a week before adding solid food to their diet. You should also do it slowly as it can take up to 6 weeks for a socket to heal.

Cold foods will help reduce inflammation and ease some of the pain. If your child experiences vomiting, bland, starchy foods like plain mashed potatoes or oatmeal may help alleviate nausea.

4. No Sucking or Spitting

You may ask, “How can I make my child’s wisdom teeth heal faster?”

One answer, do not create any suction within the mouth. This may seem like a strange rule, especially since sipping from a straw or sucking on a popsicle sounds soothing.

Any type of suction can pull out the blood clot prematurely. This leads to a painful condition called dry socket.

5. Use Ice Packs

Your child may develop swelling and bruising that makes their cheeks puff up after surgery. For the first day or two, apply ice packs for 20 minutes at a time to reduce the inflammation and discomfort.

Never place ice packs directly on the skin. Wrap them in a hand towel to prevent the cold from burning their skin.

Speedy Recovery

Follow these wisdom teeth removal recovery tips for quicker healing. This and lots of love go a long way.

We want to help you find your way through difficult moments in life. Read more tips on our website!

David Smith