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11 Differences Between The Guy Who Is Ready To Commit And The Guy Who Just Sees You As A Fling


Let’s say you’re dating this charming, lovely, kind guy who makes your heart skip a beat when he’s around. You enjoy the relationship and you’re beginning to develop some pretty strong feelings about him. Well, that’s the point where you should see if he’s on the same page with you.

It’s important for you to know if the guy whom you consider the one is ready to commit himself to the relationship or he isn’t interested in anything else but having some fun.

Of course, there’s nothing wrong with wanting to just have fun if both of you aren’t ready to commit.  But, if you’re fully invested in the relationship and he only sees you as a temporary fling, then this should be addressed on time before either person gets hurt.

Here are 11 ways which can help you differentiate between the guy who is ready to commit and the guy who is not that into you:

1. The guy who is ready to commit will enjoy spending time with you. He’ll have many responsibilities to take care of at work and he’ll often go out with his friends, but he’ll always make sure he makes time for you. He’ll never allow himself to make you feel ignored or neglected.

On the other hand, the guy who is not really interested in you will spend time with you only when it suits him and when he needs someone to have fun with.

2. The guy who is truly in love with you will try to connect with you on a deep emotional and spiritual level, not only on the physical one. He’ll try to get to know you the core.

The guy who isn’t looking for anything serious won’t try to get to know you deeply and he’ll only be interested in physically connecting with you.

3. The guy who is ready to commit to you will include you in all his future plans. Whether he makes short or long-term plans, he always consults you.

On the contrary, when the guy who isn’t looking for anything serious makes plans for the future, it’s like he never sees both of you together. He’ll talk about his future plans and goals, but he’ll never imagine you by his side.

4. The guy who is really into you will accept and cherish your unique quirks, whims, and annoying habits, and he’ll make sure you know that. He’ll tell you how smart, pretty, kind and amazing you are because to him, you’re perfect with all your imperfections. 

The guy who sees you as a temporary fling will either criticize you for your flaws or he won’t notice them at all because all he cares about is having fun.

5. The guy who is ready to commit to you will feel comfortable talking to you about what’s bothering him. He won’t feel reluctant or ashamed to share with you his insecurities, fears, and problems. Additionally, he’ll show interest in finding out what your weak sides and problems are and he’ll do his best to help you overcome them.

The guy who just wants to have fun will avoid talking about these things and he’ll keep his problems to himself. And most likely, he won’t even bother to ask you how your day went, let alone try to comfort or help you when he sees something’s worrying you.

6. The guy who is willing to commit will remember all the little details about you that most people don’t notice. He’ll remember what your favorite color, a box of chocolate, or a place to go out is. He’ll even remember how you put your lips when you smile.

On the other hand, the guy who isn’t really interested in you will fail to notice these things and he definitely won’t bother to remember what you like and don’t like doing or what your interests are. He may even forget when your birthday is or how many siblings you have.

7. The guy who is ready to commit is willing to meet your family and friends. He’ll respect them because he knows they’re important to you.

Whereas the guy who just sees you as a fling won’t express interest in meeting the people who are close to you or introducing you to his. Even if he already knows your friends and family members, he doesn’t enjoy hanging out with them.

8. The guy who really cares about you will make sure you have meaningful conversations. He’ll bring up impactful topics and he’ll ensure you share your feelings and opinions with one another.

The guy who just sees you as a fling will talk to you about superficial things, like your daily responsibilities, activities, films, or sports. He won’t bother to discuss with you meaningful topics that could create a strong emotional connection between the two of you.

9. The guy who is really into you will enjoy talking to his friends and family about you. He won’t be ashamed to tell them how proud of you and lucky he is to have you in his life.

On the contrary, the guy who just wants to keep the relationship casual won’t bother mentioning your name to his friends a lot and he will only reveal minimum details about his dating life.

10. The guy who is really into you won’t insist you spend every night out. Whether it’s Monday or Saturday, he’ll be happy to spend the night watching a film and eating pizza with you.

While the guy who just wants to have fun will expect you to often go to the bar or to the new club in the city and if you refuse to do that, he can get pretty grumpy and cranky.

11. The guy who is more than willing to commit won’t wait long or hesitate to put a label on your relationship. He’ll proudly call you his girlfriend, his soulmate, his everything.

The guy who only wants to have fun will avoid the topic of commitment and he’ll make sure he keeps the relationship casual.


Riley Cooper