I seldom get to see my best friend, and distance is certainly not the reason for this, since she lives ten minutes from me. This has more to do with our daily responsibilities. We both have two children, but my kids are older than hers, which means that they have different activities. So, as you may have already guessed, family, work, and daily responsibilities interfere with our ability to see each other every day.
I can’t express how grateful to her I am for being there for me even when I appear absent. I’m grateful to her for understanding why I can’t see her as much as I’d want to.
I’m grateful to her for understanding that I truly love her and care about her, even when I don’t get to see her for a long period of time. I’m grateful to her for letting me know that I can always rely on her. I’m grateful to her for never giving up on me, even when I’m nowhere to be found.
I appreciate the few text messages that we manage to send each other within the spam of three weeks or a whole month. And I don’t complain about this at all. Because neither I nor she takes our silence personally. We know why we can’t often see each other, and we still cherish each other. We’re still there for each other.
I mustn’t forget to say, too, that I’m immensely grateful to her for always intuitively knowing when to check whether I am okay. I’m grateful to her for all the help, support, and love she’s given me. I’m grateful to her for always finding time to cheer me up when I’m down in the dumps.
I’m grateful to her for accepting me for who I am. For being aware of all my annoying habits, whims, and insecurities, and loving me despite them. For never trying to change me or make me feel weak.
My dear friend, I’m grateful to you for understanding the way we communicate. I’m grateful to you for hearing me when I’m silent. And I want you to know that I hear you as well. Because I may be silent, but my love for you will never be!