Home Love & Relationships Sometimes Love Can Turn You Into Someone You Never Wanted To Become

Sometimes Love Can Turn You Into Someone You Never Wanted To Become


Being in a relationship with someone you love is supposed to bring out the best in you. It’s supposed to make you happy and give you a sense of fulfillment. It’s supposed to inspire you to work on yourself until you become the best version of yourself.

Unfortunately, sometimes love can turn you into someone you never wanted to become.

It can turn you into a jealous person. A person that constantly checks their partner’s phone to see if they have “suspicious” text messages. A person that constantly checks their bae’s Facebook profile to see if they’ve liked another woman or man’s selfies. A person that constantly picks fights with their partner whenever they come home late from work.

Sometimes love can turn you into an inconsiderate, mean person. It can turn you into a person that has no problem hurting other people’s feelings. It can cause you to neglect and ignore those who genuinely love and care about you. It can cause you to distance yourself completely from your loved ones.

Sometimes love can turn you into an impetuous person.  A person that makes important, life-changing decisions without considering the outcome first. A person that says ugly things to people who don’t deserve that kind of treatment. A person that breaks other people’s hearts and regrets it later.

Sometimes love can cause you to become paranoid. It can cause you to create thousands of worst-case scenarios in your mind whenever your partner is out with their friends or colleagues. It can cause you to think that your significant other is cheating on you whenever they’re not around you.

Sometimes love can bring out your worst sides. It can bring out your greatest insecurities. Your deepest fears. Your most hidden pains. Your darkest sides.

Sometimes love can make you doubt yourself. It can make you question your qualities and strength.

Sometimes love can cause you to become a manipulative person. A person that has no problem playing mind games with others. A person that lies to and takes advantage of other people to satisfy their own selfish needs. A person that is not ashamed to gaslight and guilt-trip others just to avoid taking responsibility for their own mistakes and wrongdoings.

Yes, it’s hard and painful to admit, but instead of helping you grow and making you happy, love can sometimes stand in the way of your happiness and slowly destroy you.

Riley Cooper