Company culture is a term that is entering the lexicon of more and more businesses. Companies decide what type of culture to create, and managers and leaders aim to infuse that culture throughout the business’s everyday happenings and long-term projects.
Part of establishing a solid culture involves letting employees know that they are valued. Employees don’t want to feel as though they are simply numbers in the system. The members of today’s workforce recognize that they deserve to be treated as human beings and to have their hard work praised.
Plan a Corporate Retreat
Going on a corporate retreat allows the company to reset in multiple ways. Instead of focusing on the snafus of the past, employees can look toward the future with their team members. Snaresbrook Manor boasts an array of corporate offerings that allow employees to relax, get motivated, and rejuvenate in an inviting and stylish setting. Business owners could plan smaller scale retreats as well. For example, a one-day experience at a local retreat center can allow employees to feel valued, appreciated, and inspired.
Provide Verbal Praise
While employees don’t necessarily need to be overwhelmed with praise, knowing that managers recognize their strengths and successes matters. If an employee does a particularly good job on a project, let them know. Managers should be careful with being overabundant in praise though. If managers are constantly telling employees what a wonderful jobs they have done, the praise can begin to sound inauthentic. Finding a balance is important.
Another critical practice is to provide individual praise. In other words, some managers repeat the same blanket statements to all of their employees. This practice doesn’t help workers to feel valued. Managers who use this method of praise likely come across as rehearsed and fake.
Offer Tangible Rewards
Motivating employees to like their work is important. However, it’s important for owners to remember that employees ultimately do need a pay check. People rely on their jobs to pay for basic living expenses, the costs of raising children, and leisure activities. Providing tangible rewards to employees is one way that businesses can show how valued the work is.
Increasing salaries, offering bonuses, and giving suitable benefits packages are all ways in which owners can show their employees that they are valued. When real benefits that employees can take home with them don’t follow verbal praise, that verbal praise can feel empty.
Use Positive Language
The way that people talk to each other in the work space can alter their sense of value. For example, if negative language is regularly used to describe the job or to complain about the day-to-day activities of the job, employees may feel as though they are in dead-end careers or that their occupations aren’t contributing anything of substance to the world.
It’s true that no one can be positive all of the time, and a false sense of positivity can be just as dangerous as constant negativity. However, team members should look for opportunities to revise the language that they use in a more positive way.
Letting employees know how valued they are in authentic ways is so important. No matter the size or the budget of the business, there are actions that higher-ups can take to make employees aware of how much their daily efforts on the job are both recognized and appreciated.