Home Love & Relationships I Am Blessed To Have A Friend Like You-A Heartfelt Letter To...

I Am Blessed To Have A Friend Like You-A Heartfelt Letter To My BFF

blessed to have a friend like you

Dear Best Friend,

First things first, I want you to know that I am blessed to be your friend. You are the greatest gift life has ever given me. Because you’re someone who’s always been there for me. You’re someone whom I’ve always trusted. You’re someone who has never let me down.

Therefore, I want to tell you: Thank you for always being there for me. So lucky to have a friend like you!

Thank you for always believing in me. Thank you for lifting me up when life was trying to knock me down. Thank you for building me up and encouraging me to move forward when I felt weak and helpless.

Thank you for all your wise pieces of advice, comforting words, positive reinforcement, and compliments. Thank you for all your help and support. Thank you for all the exciting moments and laughter.

I am blessed to have a friend like you.

Because you know everything about me. You know my soul. You know my core nature. You know how I breathe.

I am blessed to be your friend because you can hear my unsaid thoughts. You can feel my deepest feelings. My greatest insecurities. My innermost fears.

I am blessed to have a friend like you because you make my life complete. You make me feel happy, fulfilled, and strong. You make me feel complete.

I am blessed to be your friend because you are always there for me. You are there for every birthday. Every laugh. Every joy. Every worry. Every problem. Every heartbreak. Every loss.

I am blessed to have a friend like you because you’re my cheerleader.

My crying shoulder. My most comforting hug. My greatest help. My partner in crime. My guiding light. My strength. My motivation. My inspiration. My hope.

I am blessed to be your friend because when I am with you, I feel comfortable being myself. I don’t feel ashamed of my weaknesses and imperfections. I don’t feel ashamed of my past mistakes and failures.

When I am around you, I never have to pretend to be someone I am not. Instead, I am always myself. And this makes me feel peaceful, content, and at ease.

I am blessed to have a friend like you because you accept me and love me for who I am.

You know all my annoying habits, insecurities, and fears, but you never judge me or criticize me for them. You know all my vulnerable sides and yet you never make me feel weak.

You allow me to grow separately from you without growing apart from you. You embrace my every victory with a smile, selflessly.

You taught me to be more giving and receiving, more open, more trusting in people.

If you wonder how I learned that… you didn’t do anything special. You were just you and by being you, you helped me adopt a better, brighter perspective of the world just by caring for me. Thanks to you I learned to trust, I learned that good people still exist, and I learned that friends are made BEFORE you need them, not after.


Because you believe in my strength and qualities even when I don’t.

I am blessed to have a friend like you because you make me feel smarter, stronger, and better than I am.

I am blessed to have a friend like you because you stay by my side through the good times and the bad times. Because you never leave me to deal with my worries, problems, and pains alone. Because you stick with me through thick and thin.

I am blessed to have a friend like you

Because you always save me from doing foolish things and making bad decisions. Because you never let anyone put me down in your presence. Because you protect me from everyone and everything.

I am blessed to have a friend like you because you are always honest with me.

Because you’ve proven that you deserve my trust so many times. Because you tell me the truth even when it’s harsh and painful. Even when I don’t want to hear it. Because I know that you’d never do anything that could break my trust in you.

I am blessed to have a friend like you

Because you remind me of my worth when I feel like I’m a mess. When I feel like I’m a complete failure. When I feel like I’m worth nothing.

I am blessed to have a friend like you

Because you took the camera whenever I had a bad idea because you knew it meant another great adventure we are going to remember for a lifetime.

Because you never looked at me with judgy eyes and you always took the bus ride with me. Even when my limo broke… hell, even when I didn’t have a limo. It didn’t matter. As long as we are hanging out and vibing together.

So thank YOU –

For being there with me in my lowest lows  –

and in my highest highs.

No one deserves the best of me more than you.

I learned that friendship is not about longevity thanks to YOU.

Yes, friendship is made of the experiences and the times you prove your loyalty to the people you love, it’s not made of the years you’ve known someone.

At this point, I realize I’ve gone over the top with corny slash emotional slash stuff and you are cringing right now, but God, do I mean every word I say!

It’s true what they say—friends are the family you choose and I couldn’t agree more! We met by accident but stayed friends by choice and this taught warms my heart every time!!!

I am blessed to have a friend like you

Because you’ve taught me what genuine, deep friendship means. You’ve shown me what it feels like to be mentally, emotionally, and spiritually connected with someone. You’ve shown me what it feels like to share your life with someone whose soul reflects yours. You’ve shown me what true, pure happiness feels like. And for that… for that, I’ll be grateful to you forever.

I chose to write this to you because I am not good with words—at least not words I have to say out loud, and I meant it to be way shorter…

The joke’s on me, I guess, but hey, you deserved to know this! As I am writing, all I can think of is that one time when we drank that whole bottle of apple wine and meant to go out, but dozed off instead – with your Persian cats on top of us.

I remember when I woke up after two hours; I saw Sleazy lying on your face like a bag of frozen Doritos, and I realized then that we are probably going to grow old into two grumpy cat ladies, but guess what?

I wouldn’t change a thing about that future because every future with you is fine by me!

Thanks for being there always when I need you and making me laugh,

To many more apple wines.

Riley Cooper